About The Coaching Process

A Different Approach

“What is it that you do?  And by the way, what is Psychosynthesis?”

Hesitant, I attempt to explain my 5-second elevator speech to them in the simplest way so that they can understand what it is I do.  Often, I leave them even more mystified as they respond with a, “Huh!

They walk away perplexed, all the while curiously wanting to learn more.  At the heart, they know there is something valuable to what I offer.

The type of coaching service I offer is different.  It is a unique approach that homes the psychology of the soul, also known as Psychosynthesis, a methodology founded by Roberto Assagioli in the early 1900s.

It is a kind of service that cannot be put easily into words. The reason for this is that Psychosynthesis coaching delves into the vastness of the mind; what some call consciousness.

A consciousness that is uniquely different for every person because not everyone is the same.

"Ginger is a truly extraordinary means of expression. I was touched by the profound words of wisdom she shared with me. They spoke to my heart and soul and provided the shift that I needed on my healing journey. I highly recommend working with Ginger.

The type of coaching I offer challenges an individual to step out of what is considered the norm, and step into the multiple realms of infinite possibilities.  I nudge people to get to know their authentic selves so that they can tap into that part of them that is already whole and complete.

I challenge them to tap into their innate wisdom, who naturally guides them toward the best versions of themselves.  I help people get out of their own way so that they can live the life they desire.  So that they can overcome the obstacles holding them back.

I help them identify the self-saboteur within who destroys hopes and possibilities, so that they can reclaim their power and create the person they truly know they are.

People do not want to be labeled or told they can’t heal. But most of all, deep down, they know they are not broken.  They know they are so much more.  That is the service I provide them, the way toward home.

It is a different kind of psychology.  A kind that builds people up rather than shuts them down.  A type of psychology that guides people toward I can instead of I can’t.  A form of psychology that teaches people how to use the different parts of their mind so that they can become masters at creating their life instead of being victims of it.

Psychosynthesis leads individuals toward self-creation that is in balance with their body, mind, and spirit. A process that continually evolves as they grow and expand in their own mastery of the personal self.

What I offer is powerful. It is powerful because it works. It is not what I do that provides that power. It is not me who is powerful. I am only there assisting with an innate method that naturally works for those who are ready to tap into that part of their magnificent selves. Those ready to do the work.

The work I do as a coach begins where the person is at and evolves with them. We may meditate. Or use self-imagery. Do subconscious work, or perhaps subpersonality work. Even journaling, painting, hiking, or walking. Different approaches are used that people can relate to. Different approaches allow me to go at their pace so that they can learn more about who they truly are.

Approaches that show them how to become masters of their own destiny, that allow them to personally grow, as well as overcome obstacles that are getting in their way. 

People who come to me are already functioning individuals who accept responsibility for the work they are about to embark on. They are ready to do the work they have been told they cannot do because Freud’s method deemed it impossible. They are ready to break the norm to show what is innately possible; a space filled with untapped potential, health, well-being, love, peace, harmony, freedom, and unity.

They are ready to reside as whole and complete individuals.  That is the way of Psychosynthesis.

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